Tema: Re: DataSet Multiple SQL result (ar imanoma?)
Autorius: Jornada Del Muerto
Data: 2010-02-02 18:09:21
Iseina jei darai 3 selectus, tai tokei Query funkcijai savo gamybos reik perduot grazinamu selectu skaiciu, kad jis sugeneruotu masyva is:

Table, Table1, Table2.... ,Tablen atitinkamai kiek zinai kad bus selectu ;) 

"unce" <info@delfi.lt> wrote in message news:hk9hc0$6n6$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>o kas dokumentacija skaitys? :)
> When the query specified returns multiple results, the result set for each 
> row returning query is placed in a separate table. Additional result sets 
> are named by appending integral values to the specified table name (for 
> example, "Table", "Table1", "Table2", and so on). Because no table is 
> created for a query that does not return rows, if you process an insert 
> query followed by a select query, the table created for the select query is 
> named "Table" because it is the first table created. Applications using 
> column and table names should ensure that conflicts with these naming 
> patterns does not occur.
> When the SELECT statement used to populate the DataSet returns multiple 
> results, such as batch SQL statements, if one of the results contains an 
> error, all subsequent results are skipped and are not added to the DataSet.
> "Jornada Del Muerto" <ask@me.email> wrote in message 
> news:hk9a31$rns$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Sveiki,
>>    Tokia briedova ideja kilo, pvz turiu MSSQL ir as galiu proceduroje 
>> daryti:
>>    Select * From lenta1 where type=1
>>    Select * From lenta1 where type=10
>>    Select * From lenta2
>>    Select * From lenta3
>>    Tada jei kokiam nors manageryje paleisit tokia proc tai kaip visi zino 
>> grazins kelis rezultatus, o ar eitu taip kad ir i DataSet'a paimt per 
>>    Tipo daugmaz standartinis kreipimasis i SQL ir DataSet.Load, yra siaip 
>> toks metodas bet jis tada klausai lentu vardu, bet as gal 10 selectu 
>> skirtingu is tos pacios darau...
>>    Dar yra DataAdapter.Fill bet as negaliu gauti is IDbConnection jo 
>> IDataAdapter, nes dirbu interface'u lygyje...
>>    Gal kas bande? pavyko nepavyko? ar siaip turi nuomuone ?