> Sveiki, > > ar yra cia kas su regular expression dirbes? > > Reikia parasyti tel nr patikrinima > > • 2 – 20 digits > • Only one instance of “+”, and the “+” (if exists) must be the > first character > • Only one instance of “-”, and if exists it must not be the first > character > • Only one instance of “/”and if exists it must not be the first > character • No other characters allowed > perlu: $nr = '+370-1258'; print "ok" if ($nr =~ /^(\+|\d)[\-\/0-9]+$/ && $nr =~ tr/\-/\-/ <= 1 && $nr =~ tr/\//\// <= 1 && $nr =~ tr/[0-9]/[0-9]/ >= 2 && $nr =~ tr/[0-9]/[0-9]/ <= 20);