Tema: Re: Regex validation
Autorius: Jornada Del Muerto
Data: 2010-08-13 15:22:17
Siaip tai tokia stipri validacija biski useless :) jei cia kokiam webe tai atsiras blondiniu kurios ves kitaip, ipac jei uzsienyje, kaip ten vedasi pvz (88) 34342 43243, nu pasaulyje mazai kaip kokioj salyj telefonus raso...
"Bamba" <none@none.none> wrote in message news:ba284710565164dae2a75df7a52bef50$1@computer.newsgroups.lt...
> Sveiki,
> ar yra cia kas su regular expression dirbes?
> Reikia parasyti tel nr patikrinima
> • 2 – 20 digits
> • Only one instance of “+”, and the “+” (if exists) must be the first
> character
> • Only one instance of “-”, and if exists it must not be the first
> character
> • Only one instance of “/”and if exists it must not be the first character
> • No other characters allowed
> Niekaip nepvyksta sukurpti.
> Dekui