Tema: Re: ieskau TV 32'
Autorius: Mooney
Data: 2010-01-27 23:37:51
arba santrauka zemiau (video kameru atveju ir full-hyper HD megejams):
The Importance of Image Sensor Size
The number of pixels on an image sensor is not the only factor influencing 
the quality of the video captured. The physical size of the sensor matters 
as well. Larger image sensors can capture more light than smaller ones, even 
if they have fewer pixels. That's because, while fewer in number, these 
pixels are larger and thus able to capture more light.

This is why you'll see camcorders advertise not only the number of pixels on 
an image sensor, but the size of the sensor itself (usually in fractions of 
an inch). You're better off buying a camcorder with a larger image sensor 
even if it has fewer pixels than a competitive model with a smaller sensor 
and more pixels.

"Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
> taske tu taske - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_sensor
> "-Lameris-" <lameris@xxx.lt> wrote in message 
> news:hjqa4b$hg8$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Tai tamsta teigi, kad HD kamera prasčiau rodys už internetinę su 480 * 
>> 320 taškų?
>> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:hjq9cd$gjd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>o tu zinai apie ka kalba eina? ar girdejai kazka bet nelabai supranti kas 
>>>ir apie ka?
>>> eik pas dede gugle :)
>>> "-Lameris-" <lameris@xxx.lt> wrote in message 
>>> news:hjq99j$gfa$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Galvoji sunku 1920*1080 matricą iškepti? Čia vos 2 megapikseliai.
>>>> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
>>>> news:hjq84t$el7$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> tavo fullhd kameros koks matricos dydis?
>>>>> ar galvoji kad lipduku aplipdyta kamera garantuoja gera vaizda?
>>>>> "Darelas" <fllyeri@hdd.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>> news:hjq113$4g0$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> na, turiu kamera full hd, tai ka, negaliu noret per telika paziuret 
>>>>>> ka prifilmavau? Nereikia taip siaurai suprast, kad jei bus usb, tai 
>>>>>> niekam kitkam teliko nenaudosi, tik filmams is interneto..
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> DDD
>>>>>> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>>> news:hjpvec$1rn$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>> galima pasisaipyti? kokia esme full hd ir divx? is esmes jokio 
>>>>>>> skirtumo - visi telikai su hyper-super-shmuper rezoliucijom eina, 
>>>>>>> tik pasidomek pas dede interneta kokia tavo issirinktu teliku 
>>>>>>> ''moving picture resolution''
>>>>>>> "Von" <fdd@hdd.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>>>> news:hjpise$de5$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>>> reikalavimai:
>>>>>>>> butini: 32 coliai, full hd, dvb-t mpeg-4,
>>>>>>>> pageidaujami: usb divx, mazesnis reakcijos laikas, didesnis 
>>>>>>>> kontrastas, plonesnis korpusas :)
>>>>>>>> siulykit cia ar i SMS +37061240361
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> DDD