Tema: Re: ieskau TV 32'
Autorius: -Lameris-
Data: 2010-01-28 14:57:27
More light, o fotografuojant ar filmuojant dieną diafragma uždaroma, tai kas 
iš to more light? Aišku, didesnis sensorius geriau, nei mažas, mažiau 
trukšmų. Bet jei bus didelis sensorius, o optika šūdas irgi nieko gero 

"Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
> arba santrauka zemiau (video kameru atveju ir full-hyper HD megejams):
> The Importance of Image Sensor Size
> The number of pixels on an image sensor is not the only factor influencing 
> the quality of the video captured. The physical size of the sensor matters 
> as well. Larger image sensors can capture more light than smaller ones, 
> even if they have fewer pixels. That's because, while fewer in number, 
> these pixels are larger and thus able to capture more light.
> This is why you'll see camcorders advertise not only the number of pixels 
> on an image sensor, but the size of the sensor itself (usually in 
> fractions of an inch). You're better off buying a camcorder with a larger 
> image sensor even if it has fewer pixels than a competitive model with a 
> smaller sensor and more pixels.
> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
> news:hjqbcj$j1f$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> taske tu taske - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_sensor
>> "-Lameris-" <lameris@xxx.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:hjqa4b$hg8$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Tai tamsta teigi, kad HD kamera prasčiau rodys už internetinę su 480 * 
>>> 320 taškų?
>>> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
>>> news:hjq9cd$gjd$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>o tu zinai apie ka kalba eina? ar girdejai kazka bet nelabai supranti 
>>>>kas ir apie ka?
>>>> eik pas dede gugle :)
>>>> "-Lameris-" <lameris@xxx.lt> wrote in message 
>>>> news:hjq99j$gfa$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> Galvoji sunku 1920*1080 matricą iškepti? Čia vos 2 megapikseliai.
>>>>> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>> news:hjq84t$el7$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> tavo fullhd kameros koks matricos dydis?
>>>>>> ar galvoji kad lipduku aplipdyta kamera garantuoja gera vaizda?
>>>>>> "Darelas" <fllyeri@hdd.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>>> news:hjq113$4g0$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>> na, turiu kamera full hd, tai ka, negaliu noret per telika paziuret 
>>>>>>> ka prifilmavau? Nereikia taip siaurai suprast, kad jei bus usb, tai 
>>>>>>> niekam kitkam teliko nenaudosi, tik filmams is interneto..
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> DDD
>>>>>>> "Mooney" <alaus@krastas.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>>>> news:hjpvec$1rn$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>>> galima pasisaipyti? kokia esme full hd ir divx? is esmes jokio 
>>>>>>>> skirtumo - visi telikai su hyper-super-shmuper rezoliucijom eina, 
>>>>>>>> tik pasidomek pas dede interneta kokia tavo issirinktu teliku 
>>>>>>>> ''moving picture resolution''
>>>>>>>> "Von" <fdd@hdd.lt> wrote in message 
>>>>>>>> news:hjpise$de5$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>>>>> reikalavimai:
>>>>>>>>> butini: 32 coliai, full hd, dvb-t mpeg-4,
>>>>>>>>> pageidaujami: usb divx, mazesnis reakcijos laikas, didesnis 
>>>>>>>>> kontrastas, plonesnis korpusas :)
>>>>>>>>> siulykit cia ar i SMS +37061240361
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> DDD