On 2010.08.28 13:43, Icetom wrote: >> Anyway, panasu kad nelabai tiks man C550, nes reikalinga funkcija pas samsung plazmas kazkodel tik nuo 8 serijos :)) > Čia esi neteisus. Samsung tada negalėtų konkuruoti su Panasonic S20 ar LG PK serijos plazmomis > Iš Samsung puslapio: > "600Hz papildomi kadrai > Ar pastebėjote, kad plazminiuose ekranuose vaizduojami judesiai tarsi trūkčioja? Žiūrėdami į vieną iš naujųjų Samsung plazminių televizorių to tikrai nepastebėsite. Rodomi kadrai vientisi, nes į kiekvieną jų įterpiame 10 papildomų antrinių kadrų. Tai 600Hz dažnis. Kontūrai dabar tikslesni, slenkantis tekstas ryškesnis, o vibruojančio vaizdo problema galiausiai išspręsta." > > Dar skaičiau AV forums forume (nuoroda į portugalų forumą), kad C550 plazmą per service meniu galima įjungti "smooth film" f-ją, kuri yra C590 ir brangesniuose modeliuose. Panasu kad ne visai taip. Cia pilnas tekstas apie MJC vs. Smooth Cinema: Motion Judder Canceller, or MJC: Series 8 Samsung plasma HDTVs come with Samsung's Motion Judder Canceller. This is sequivalent to the 120Hz and 240Hz dejudder processing found on LCD HDTVs. In the case of the PNC8000 series, it is said to help eliminate drag from fast scenes with a lot of fast movement to produce a clearer picture; it comes with two settings - Standard and Smooth - apart from demo and off. The demo is nothing more than a way to visually see the impact on picture performance once this feature is activated. Some may note here that Series 8 Samsung plasma HDTVs also come with the Cinema Smooth technology. But keep in mind that when it comes to judder, there are actually two types of judder when watching 1080p24 film-based content. The first is motion judder and is a natural byproduct of the rather slow 24 fps film rate - a rate which is often too slow to show moderate speed camera panning and fast action content without breaking down the action. Samsung's Motion Judder Canceller is there to eliminate this type of judder. However, for the many who enjoy the natural 24p cadence of film may prefer to deactivate the motion judder completely as the extra smoothness brought about by the MJC processing make film appear more video-like - sort of soap opera effect, than 24 fps film. The second is the judder produced when converting from 24 fps movie content to 30 fps necessary for 60Hz TVs; the conversion process uses 2:3 pulldown processing and does introduce a slightly different kind of judder, as well as some blur during camera pans. Samsung Cinema Smooth is supposed to eliminate this second type of judder by using a 96Hz frame rate (using 4:4 pulldown) to avoid the 2:3 pull down conversion process completely. Imho man uzkliuna pirmasis dalykas (t.y. tas, kam skirta samsung MJC, arba panasonic IFC). T.y. 24fps mane betkokiu erzina. Net jei skirtingi kadrai rodomi vienoda laiko tarpa (t.y. naudojama 4:4 pulldown / samsung cinema smooth / etc. ). Tiesa sakant ir 30-40fps erzina ;) Va 50-60fps jau +- OK :) Cia aisku kalbant apie vidutiniu greiciu judanti vaizda (pvz. sukama kamera), o ne tiesiog kalbancias galvas per zinias ar pan. :) Ir manau kad visokie del MJC/IFC/Motion Plus atsirandantys artefaktai mane erzins maziau, nei pastovus trukciojimas :) Kita vertus paziurejus video (kuri atskirai imeciau sitam thread'e) kyla mintis, kad galbut ir atsiras atveju, kai noresiu MJC/IFC isjungti (ypac jei tam tikrose scenose, del blogai sukuriamu tarpiniu kadru, susidarys iliuzija kad vaizdas vel trukcioja). O isjungus si feature'a, - plazma lyg ir igauna nemaza pranasuma pries LCD :) -- Planuoji apsidrausti Lietuvos Draudimo KASKO? Geriau ismesk pinigus i bala, sutaupysi nervu :)