Tema: Re: 50" + neblizgus + iki 3klt
Autorius: YZF
Data: 2010-10-19 18:21:10
"Icetom" <kkkk@kkk.com> wrote in message 
>> Nu taigi čia yzf'as, ko norėt, "autosų" stilium varo- pirma visus 
>> išvadint durniais, o paksui, jei liks laiko, aiškintis kas kame. Bet 
>> kadangi to laiko nėr, tai ir gaunas: prisėdau, parašiau 30 laiškų, 
>> pridėliojau kuo daugiau smailų, apšaukiau visus, kurie nesutinka su mano 
>> nuomone, nu ir dar dadėjau pora smailų, taip, kad tvirčiau atrodytų.
> Na, aš nesu prieš YZf'ą nusistatęs ar pan., bet kartais sugeba išvesti iš 
> kantrybės :)

Kad tau ramiau butu, biski info:

"However, with local dimming enabled, the numbers changed dramatically, as 
did picture quality. The black level dropped to a deep, dark 0.01 cd/m2, 
(the lowest measurement we've seen since the legendary Pioneer KURO 
PDP-5020FD ($4,000, ) plasma, and the set delivered a much more vibrant and 
uniform picture."

"Little need be said about the full-on/full-off contrast ratio. Our meter 
will not read anything less than 0.001 foot-lamberts, and the LG’s 
full-screen black level was too dark to trigger a reading."

Black: 0.000 (VT25 Black: 0.004)

In case you're keeping track, black on the VT20/25 measured 0.004 ftl, 
compared to 0.001 on the PRO-111FD and 0.007 on the G20. We did measure 
0.001 on the LG LH8500 and the Samsung B8500 and in some areas, like the 
swath of black shadow behind Pandora's parent planet in Chapter 1, or the 
darkest parts of the screen during the scrolling credits, those sets could 
conjure a deeper shade of black than the VT20/25

Black level: In this crucial category the LX9500 delivered an excellent 
performance, producing a shade of black on par with the best TVs in our 
lineup. In numerous mostly dark shots, such as the flyover of the nighttime 
cityscape in Chapter 2, the depth of black and near-black areas was deeper 
and more realistic than on either of the Samsungs and the Vizio, and every 
bit as inky as what we saw on the LE8500, the HX909, and the other two 
plasmas. (Panasonic TC-P50VT25, Pioneer PRO-111FD)

(Jau mineto flatpanelhd nebekartosiu).
