>Kad tau ramiau butu, biski info: Ne kad ramiau, o kad objektyvu būtų. Du skirtingi dalykai! >http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2368492,00.asp PC Mag nepasitikėčiau juodos matavimais, nes kiek pamenu jie naudoja Minolta C-200... >Black: 0.000 (VT25 Black: 0.004) >http://hometheatermag.com/3d-flat-panels/lg_infinia_47lx9500_lcd_3d_hdtv/index4.html Čia analogiška situacija: http://www.photoresearch.com/current/6xxmatrix.asp Jie naudoja PR-650. http://hometheatermag.com/gearworks/308gear/ >In case you're keeping track, black on the VT20/25 measured 0.004 ftl, compared to 0.001 on the PRO-111FD and 0.007 on the G20. We did measure 0.001 on the LG LH8500 and the Samsung B8500 and in some areas, like the swath of black shadow behind Pandora's parent planet in Chapter 1, or the darkest parts of the screen during the scrolling credits, those sets could conjure a deeper shade of black than the VT20/25 http://reviews.cnet.com/flat-panel-tvs/panasonic-viera-tc-p50vt25/4505-6482_7-33941234-2.html?tag=rvwBody >Black level: In this crucial category the LX9500 delivered an excellent performance, producing a shade of black on par with the best TVs in our lineup. In numerous mostly dark shots, such as the flyover of the nighttime cityscape in Chapter 2, the depth of black and near-black areas was deeper and more realistic than on either of the Samsungs and the Vizio, and every bit as inky as what we saw on the LE8500, the HX909, and the other two plasmas. (Panasonic TC-P50VT25, Pioneer PRO-111FD) http://reviews.cnet.com/flat-panel-tvs/lg-infinia-47lx9500/4505-6482_7-33943809-2.html?tag=rvwBody Dėkui už šitas ištraukas, nes nei namie, nei darbe CNET puslapio normaliai neatidaro. Užkrauna tik pagrindinį puslapį, bet tik jei pasirenki kokią apžvalgą meta, kad "puslapis nerastas" :( Štai CNET naudoja tinkamą įrangą tokiems matavimams, t.y. Minolta C-2000 modelį. Na puiku, jei LG sugeba tokią gilią juodą išspausti, bet vis tiek įdomu pamatyti gyvai tokį TV ;) >(Jau mineto flatpanelhd nebekartosiu). Jo ir nereikia kartoti, nes jis juodos matavimų rezultatams įvertinti netinkamas...