Tema: Re: pigs telikai?
Autorius: Unknown
Data: 2010-12-09 13:17:03
> Tai, kad čia apie LCD, o ne apie telikus...

"... which it found had been conspiring to artificially inflate the cost of 
LCD screens for __televisions__ and personal computers"

koki zodyna naudojai versdamas ?  :-D

"Edvinas" <edvinas@darbe.lt> wrote in message 
> Wed, 8 Dec 2010 19:19:36 +0200, 499 rašė:
>> ?http://www.betanews.com/article/EU-fines-LCD-price-fixing-cartel-857M-Samsung-given-immunity/1291823569
> Tai, kad čia apie LCD, o ne apie telikus...
> -- 
> Edvinas