Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:17:11 +0200, md rašė: > Neklausyk sito marketinginiu buzzwordu raisbojaus. > > > "...HDMI, if you're paying more than $10 for a typical 2-3m cable you've > overpaid, if the pricetag is over $20 you're being robbed" > > "Wondering about plugging in one of the new 3D capable TVs? Don't worry, > your old HDMI cables will likely still work just fine <...> During our > roundup we threw more than one set of the cheapest, specless wires we could > find at 3DTVs and none of them broke a sweat." O kaip šitą pakomentuotum? "Judging from these results, I would have to reiterate my original position, that it's best to skimp at short distances, but you don't want to be caught with the wrong cable installed in your walls. Even with the projector, it might be smart to buy a $30 cable first and see if it works, but be prepared, when upgrading your gear, to upgrade the cable too. Does it have to be Monster? Hell no, but you might have to pay something close to a Monster-sized price. The truth is, the bigger rip-off appears to be the $20 XtremeHD cable. It didn't perform as well as stuff one-fifth the price. (No wonder they don't sell a 10-meter cable.) I would say beware of mid-priced cable of dubious origin. Our dealings with Monoprice lead us to believe that at least they know what they're selling, even at such a tremendous discount." Vis tik panašu į tai, kad pirkdamas rimto brando kabelį, tu gauni garantiją, kad jis tikrai atitinka visas specifikacijas ir tikrai veiks. Su pigiais kabeliais gali būti šiokia tokia loterija pašėrus jiems didesnį duomenų srautą. -- Edvinas