>Nebent popieriukai sumaišyti buvo - ne plasma stovėjo o led, nežiūrėjau ant >tv nugaros :) Gal ten plazma stovėjo su senu firmware. Samsung iki šiol turėjo neišjungiamą skaitmeninių triukšmų valymą. Štai kas parašyta apie tai vienoje iš paskutinių apžvalgų: "Important Notice: Our Samsung PS51D550 review sample (supplied by Simply Electricals) was delivered to us with a bug whereby the [Digital Noise Filter] setting would operate on its highest setting, even when the menu reported it as being “Off”. This often caused a substantial loss of detail with Blu-ray Discs scanned from film, and other high quality HD sources. We reported this problem to Samsung when we noticed it on the company’s other models, but it is particularly damaging on the PS51D550 due to the fact that as a less expensive model, its noise reduction processing (when enabled) is of lower quality. Fortunately, Samsung has since fixed this issue with a firmware update. This review discusses the Samsung PS51D550 running firmware version 1024 which is, the most recent at the time of writing. The corrected firmware is available as a download from Samsung’s web site or via the TV’s own setup menus if it is connected to a home network. Please ensure you are running the latest firmware (version 1024 or higher) by checking in the Menu > Support > Contact Samsung > Software Version screen, as the improvement in picture quality is dramatic." Šaltinis: http://www.hdtvtest.co.uk/news/samsung-ps51d550-201109221412.htm