Tema: Re: pats pats ....TV pasaulyje ( CRT)
Autorius: hercas
Data: 2009-03-25 20:11:04

"yah" <yah@one.lt> wrote in message news:gqdrhi$7jn$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Nu ta prasau man nors viena linka i koki 38" ar didesni 4:3 TV - ir cia 
> pat atsiprasysiu.
> Ir dar galva pelenais pasibarstysiu   :)
> Raseivos wikipedistai...
> liteonas wrote:
>> dar...CRT (cathode-ray tube): The most common screens were direct-view 
>> CRTs for up to roughly 100 cm (40 inch) (in 4:3 ratio) and 115 cm (45 
>> inch) (in 16:9 ratio) diagonals
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRT_TV#Display_technology