Kino teatro projektoriai kadaise fokusavo į centrą, į kraštus fokusas išplaukdavo, kaip ir CRT televizoriuose, todėl kabino lenktus ekranus ir gamino išsipūtusius kineskopus. Nematau prasmės pirkti lenktą LCD. "Bronco" parašė naujienų news:nddvkf$69g$ On 2016-03-29 16:04, Bronco wrote: > Jei ten būtų bent kokie 130" ar daugiau, Dabar nerandu gero saito, kur buvo viskas su geometriškai su schemomis išaiškinta, kodėl reikia teliko virš 130" dydžio, bet kažkiek sueis ir šitas: Size matters Curved screens work in commercial theater environments, where the screen can run wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling, because the entire audience sits within the curve. Everyone is “immersed.” In a typical living room environment, with a smaller-but-more-affordable 55- or 65-inch curved TV, the immersive area is effectively reduced to a sweet spot directly opposite the center of the screen and at a slightly shorter viewing distance than for a comparable flat screen. In the typical home, that spot can only accommodate just one or two viewers. Anyone unlucky enough to be seated outside that area will have a more, well, bittersweet viewing experience. In fact, once you sit around 35 degrees to either side of that sweet spot, the image closest to you appears foreshortened compared to the far side. Some viewers find this fatiguing as well as annoying because of the brain’s attempt to compensate for the distortion. Sit even farther to the side, and the screen's edge might completely block the near side of the image as it curls in front of it. That sweet spot, however, grows in direct proportion to the size of the TV. That means you can remedy most of these problems by buying—you guessed it—a bigger screen. By most accounts, 70 inches is the minimum size needed to experience the immersive effects of a curved screen... Bet realiai čia tas 70" minimumas yra pritrauktas už ausų. Faktinis minimumas yra gerokai virš 100", o default'inėmis sąlygomis, kai telikai dažniausiai žiūrimi gyvenamose patalpose iškart kelių šeimos narių, kaip jau minėjau, reikia 130" ir daugiau.