Kad ir kaip būtų gaila Antano heiteriams, bet šis atsakymas yra teisingas. "Sniegas" <sniegas@lietuvoje.lt> wrote in message news:nde2om$91b$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > Kino teatro projektoriai kadaise fokusavo į centrą, į kraštus fokusas > išplaukdavo, kaip ir CRT televizoriuose, todėl kabino lenktus ekranus ir > gamino išsipūtusius kineskopus. Nematau prasmės pirkti lenktą LCD. > > "Bronco" parašė naujienų news:nddvkf$69g$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > > On 2016-03-29 16:04, Bronco wrote: >> Jei ten būtų bent kokie 130" ar daugiau, > > Dabar nerandu gero saito, kur buvo viskas su geometriškai su schemomis > išaiškinta, kodėl reikia teliko virš 130" dydžio, bet kažkiek sueis ir > šitas: > > > http://www.techhive.com/article/2890396/curved-tvs-gobsmackingly-great-or-goldbrick-gimmick.html > > Size matters > > Curved screens work in commercial theater environments, where the screen > can run wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling, because the entire audience > sits within the curve. Everyone is “immersed.” > > In a typical living room environment, with a smaller-but-more-affordable > 55- or 65-inch curved TV, the immersive area is effectively reduced to a > sweet spot directly opposite the center of the screen and at a slightly > shorter viewing distance than for a comparable flat screen. In the > typical home, that spot can only accommodate just one or two viewers. > > Anyone unlucky enough to be seated outside that area will have a more, > well, bittersweet viewing experience. In fact, once you sit around 35 > degrees to either side of that sweet spot, the image closest to you > appears foreshortened compared to the far side. Some viewers find this > fatiguing as well as annoying because of the brain’s attempt to > compensate for the distortion. Sit even farther to the side, and the > screen's edge might completely block the near side of the image as it > curls in front of it. > > That sweet spot, however, grows in direct proportion to the size of the > TV. That means you can remedy most of these problems by buying—you > guessed it—a bigger screen. By most accounts, 70 inches is the minimum > size needed to experience the immersive effects of a curved screen... > > > Bet realiai čia tas 70" minimumas yra pritrauktas už ausų. Faktinis > minimumas yra gerokai virš 100", o default'inėmis sąlygomis, kai telikai > dažniausiai žiūrimi gyvenamose patalpose iškart kelių šeimos narių, kaip > jau minėjau, reikia 130" ir daugiau. >