Tema: Re: Streaming media playeriai? Kokie ? Ir siaip apie viska is mano lupu:)
Autorius: Rauberis
Data: 2016-04-26 10:59:20
Amazon fire TV:
However, the Fire TV’s USB port will not be able to power most external hard
drives. To use an external hard drive with the Fire TV, you will likely need
to use a powered USB hub if the hard drive does not have its own power
supply. Even 2.5 inch portable hard drives, which normally do not require
external power when used with a computer, cannot be powered by the Fire TV’s
USB port. You should also be aware that spinning hard drives have
significantly slower access times compared to flash drives and SSDs. This
means apps and games stored on spinning drives will likely load slower and
may stutter or freeze at times.
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