Tema: Re: Streaming media playeriai? Kokie ? Ir siaip apie viska is mano lupu:)
Autorius: tranzoo
Data: 2016-04-26 11:36:18
del hdd px - galima ir per tinkla pasiimt. bet kiek supratau, nei amazonas,
nei roku tiesiogiai, be jokiu konvertavimu mkv failo nepagros...
"Rauberis" <rauberis@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Amazon fire TV:
> However, the Fire TV’s USB port will not be able to power most external
> hard drives. To use an external hard drive with the Fire TV, you will
> likely need to use a powered USB hub if the hard drive does not have its
> own power supply. Even 2.5 inch portable hard drives, which normally do
> not require external power when used with a computer, cannot be powered by
> the Fire TV’s USB port. You should also be aware that spinning hard drives
> have significantly slower access times compared to flash drives and SSDs.
> This means apps and games stored on spinning drives will likely load
> slower and may stutter or freeze at times.
> Roku
> http://i-freepedia.com/play-divx-xvid-avi-on-roku-3/
> Kazkaip sudetingai cia jiems su isoriniais irenginiais
> Rauberis