dekavoju uz pabaksnojima nosim. :) -- Bye, Levas -- - elektronika ir siaip "Ingodas Vytrastas" <ejs@no.where> wrote in message news:gbks66$bph$ > Levas wrote: >> O gal tai bandet? Net nezinau nuo ko pradeti. IP,GW,MASK ir dar kazka duoti mokam, bet specifini route? >> > > option static-routes ip-address ip-address > [, ip-address ip-address...]; > > This option specifies a list of static routes that the client should > install in its routing cache. If multiple routes to the same destination > are specified, they are listed in descending order of priority. > > The routes consist of a list of IP address pairs. The first address is > the destination address, and the second address is the router for the > destination. > > The default route ( is an illegal destination for a static > route. To specify the default route, use the routers option. Also, > please note that this option is not intended for classless IP routing - > it does not include a subnet mask. Since classless IP routing is now the > most widely deployed routing standard, this option is virtually useless, > and is not implemented by any of the popular DHCP clients, for example > the Microsoft DHCP client. > > -- > ejs