Tiems kas tanke apie 2 zondo paskirti ir darba. Cia rasoma apie standartini zonda. (istrauka is auto manualo) The catalyst monitor uses dual oxygen sensors (O2S’s) to monitor the efficiency of the converter. The dual O2Ss strategy is based on the fact that as a catalyst deteriorates, its oxygen storage capacity and its efficiency are both reduced. By monitoring the oxygen storage capacity of a catalyst, its efficiency can be indirectly calculated. The upstream O2S is used to detect the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas before the gas enters the catalytic converter. The PCM calculates the A/F mixture from the output of the O2S. A low voltage indicates high oxygen content (lean mixture). A high voltage indicates a low content of oxygen (rich mixture). When the upstream O2S detects a lean condition, there is an abundance of oxygen in the exhaust gas. A functioning converter would store this oxygen so it can use it for the oxidation of HC and CO. As the converter absorbs the oxygen, there will be a lack of oxygen downstream of the converter. The output of the downstraem O2S will indicate limited activity in this condition. As the converter loses the ability to store oxygen, the condition can be detected from the behavior of the downstream O2S. When the efficiency drops, no chemical reaction takes place. This means the concentration of oxygen will be the same downstream as upstream. The output voltage of the downstream O2S copies the voltage of the upstream sensor. The only difference is a time lag (seen by the PCM) between the switching of the O2S’s. To monitor the system, the number of lean-to-rich switches of upstream and downstream O2S’s is counted. The ratio of downstream switches to upstream switches is used to determine whether the catalyst is operating properly. An effective catalyst will have fewer downstream switches than it has upstream switches i.e., a ratio closer to zero. For a totally ineffective catalyst, this ratio will be one-toone, indicating that no oxidation occurs in the device. The system must be monitored so that when catalyst efficiency deteriorates and exhaust emissions. "Vitas" <vitas@vito.lt> wrote in message news:hrtj07$nhi$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >O kodėl po katalizatoriaus stovintis lambda turi duoti nuolatinę įtampą? >Nejau ten kažkokiu būdu susidaro nuolatinis išmetamųjų dujų srautas? :) >Siūlau nuvažiuoti diagnostikos ne pas tuos kad turi tik skaneriuką, bet >visą diagnostikai reikalingą įrangą, bent jau dujų analizatorių.. > >