Tema: Re: Lambda zondas (jaguar serviso tesinys)
Autorius: Chivilis
Data: 2010-05-06 12:14:55
Tai taip išeina, kad pas mane yra ragas arba katalizatoriui, arba 
antram(-iems) zondams.

"kardanas" <bledis@bledis.lt> wrote in message 
> supratai panasiai... Zodziu antra liambda kompui duoda mazdaug 3,3s 
> intervalu nuo 0 iki 0.9V
> Istrauka is amerikietisko dodge neon 99m 1059 lapu manualo. Jis parasytas 
> taip detaliai kad kazko panasaus nesu mates. Iki paskutinio varzto net 
> automatas pabertas.
> "Vitas" <vitas@vito.lt> wrote in message 
> news:hrtt1q$76j$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Va čia tai įdomu! Jei teisingai supratau, tai mišinys specialiai 
>> palaikomas truputį liesas, kad deginiuose būtų deguonies, kuris pakliuvęs 
>> į katalizatorių sunaudojamas oksiduojant CH ir CO. Taigi gerai veikiančio 
>> katalizatoriaus išėjime deguonies turi būti 0 ir dėl to lamba zodne 
>> susidaro maksimalus potencialų skirtumas tarp kontaktų ir rodoma pastovi 
>> maksimali įtampa...
>> Beje, iš kokio čia manualo?
>>> Tiems kas tanke apie 2 zondo paskirti ir darba. Cia rasoma apie 
>>> standartini zonda. (istrauka is auto manualo)
>>> The catalyst monitor uses dual oxygen sensors
>>> (O2S’s) to monitor the efficiency of the converter. The
>>> dual O2Ss strategy is based on the fact that as a catalyst
>>> deteriorates, its oxygen storage capacity and its
>>> efficiency are both reduced. By monitoring the oxygen
>>> storage capacity of a catalyst, its efficiency can
>>> be indirectly calculated. The upstream O2S is used to
>>> detect the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas
>>> before the gas enters the catalytic converter. The
>>> PCM calculates the A/F mixture from the output of
>>> the O2S. A low voltage indicates high oxygen content
>>> (lean mixture). A high voltage indicates a low content
>>> of oxygen (rich mixture).
>>> When the upstream O2S detects a lean condition,
>>> there is an abundance of oxygen in the exhaust gas.
>>> A functioning converter would store this oxygen so it
>>> can use it for the oxidation of HC and CO. As the
>>> converter absorbs the oxygen, there will be a lack of
>>> oxygen downstream of the converter. The output of
>>> the downstraem O2S will indicate limited activity in
>>> this condition.
>>> As the converter loses the ability to store oxygen,
>>> the condition can be detected from the behavior of
>>> the downstream O2S. When the efficiency drops, no
>>> chemical reaction takes place. This means the concentration
>>> of oxygen will be the same downstream as
>>> upstream. The output voltage of the downstream
>>> O2S copies the voltage of the upstream sensor. The
>>> only difference is a time lag (seen by the PCM)
>>> between the switching of the O2S’s.
>>> To monitor the system, the number of lean-to-rich
>>> switches of upstream and downstream O2S’s is
>>> counted. The ratio of downstream switches to
>>> upstream switches is used to determine whether the
>>> catalyst is operating properly. An effective catalyst
>>> will have fewer downstream switches than it has
>>> upstream switches i.e., a ratio closer to zero. For a
>>> totally ineffective catalyst, this ratio will be one-toone,
>>> indicating that no oxidation occurs in the device.
>>> The system must be monitored so that when catalyst
>>> efficiency deteriorates and exhaust emissions.