Dekui visiems, dabar aiskiau, nes anksciau nustatinejau tik termofikato temperatura, reiks bandyt sia ziema pasizaist -- kancleris <> Wrote in message: > > bandau pries sisldymo sezona susidraugauti su silumos siurbliu ir > susiduriau su funkcija, kurios nevisai suprantu, tiksliau > nesuprantu veikimo principo ir kaip nustatyti. > Istrauka is manualo: > If, for example, the heat medium flow temperature has > been 3 degrees lower than the calculated heat medium > flow temperature for 60 minutes; 3 x 60 = 180 > degree-minutes is registered by the computer. Using > the standard setting the number of degree-minutes > should amount to 360 (60 + 300) before the immersion > heater?s first step is connected. After which the following > steps are connected with a further 100 degree > minutes difference. The output step remains actuated > until the degree-minute demand for each step has > been compensated, which means that the heat medium > flow temperature must be as many degree-minutes > above the calculated flow level as it was previously > under. This is how the average heat medium flow temperature > calculated by the computer is obtained. > > > ??? > > > -- > > > ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- > > ----Android NewsGroup Reader----