Turint dujas SS statyt neverta.Kaip ir bandyt sildyt kiaura nama nesvarbu kuo On 2015.09.03 18:25, Exo wrote: > Turiu kelis pažįstamus, kurie už elektrą moka tiek, kiek už dujas gyvenime nemokėtų.... aš aišku nzn, gal ten kas nors blogai pas juos, bet faktą žinau tokį... > > Exo > > "Signalizacija" wrote in message news:ms9oaj$nok$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > > nebuna pas mus tiek saltu ziemu > > On 2015.09.03 13:31, Exo wrote: >> Kitais žodžiais tariant, jei žiema šaltesnė tai šildaisi elektra ir daužai galvą į sieną iš serijos "nafik aš pirkau tą nesąmonę... už taip brangiai tada..." :) >> >> Exo >> >> "Sail" wrote in message news:ms911i$81d$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >> >> Taigi viskas parasyta :-) >> >> Kompas skaicuoja, kiek temperaturminuciu truksta silumnesyje (kai siurblys >> jau nebepatraukia per salcius). >> >> Kai trukstamu temperaturminuciu kiekis virsyja 360, isijugia elektrinis >> sildymas, kuris pasildo silumnesi virs uzduotos temperaturos tiek, kad >> kompensuotu trukstama temperaturminuciu (geras terminas :-) ) skaiciu. >> >> Cia taip nesileidziant i detales, kuriu tau nereikia. >> >> "kancleris" <kancleris@nospamgmail.com> wrote in message >> news:ms8pi6$1o9$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >>> bandau pries sisldymo sezona susidraugauti su silumos siurbliu ir >>> susiduriau su funkcija, kurios nevisai suprantu, tiksliau >>> nesuprantu veikimo principo ir kaip nustatyti. >>> Istrauka is manualo: >>> If, for example, the heat medium flow temperature has >>> been 3 degrees lower than the calculated heat medium >>> flow temperature for 60 minutes; 3 x 60 = 180 >>> degree-minutes is registered by the computer. Using >>> the standard setting the number of degree-minutes >>> should amount to 360 (60 + 300) before the immersion >>> heater?s first step is connected. After which the following >>> steps are connected with a further 100 degree >>> minutes difference. The output step remains actuated >>> until the degree-minute demand for each step has >>> been compensated, which means that the heat medium >>> flow temperature must be as many degree-minutes >>> above the calculated flow level as it was previously >>> under. This is how the average heat medium flow temperature >>> calculated by the computer is obtained. >>> >>> >>> ??? >>> >>> >>> -- >>> >>> >>> ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- >>> http://usenet.sinaapp.com/