kaip tik beklaidziodamas po interneto platybes radau vieno zmogelio toki paaiskinima apie nvidia cipus " i've done many researc, and in many cases, in the nvidia chips, the defective part is the flip chip itself . The flip chip is the little square at the center of the whole bga. the flip chip is bonded with the substrate (the green part of the whole chip) exactly like a bga... yes, it has under itself many hard alloy spheres, about 200 micron diameter.... when you do reballing or reflow you are going to heat this small connections too, so, the chip will work for that reason... and even if you do a perfect rebballing and soldering on the board, thi chip will fail in the future cause the problem are not the balls between bga and board( second level connection) but are the small connection between the flip chip and the substrate(first level connection) many times the problem is this, other time the problem is the second level connection, but it is impossible to figure wich kind of fault are, so replacing the chip with a new one it is the best deal." "Silwa" parašė naujienų news:j4ok09$uic$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... Arunas, teisus. Esmė ne prilitavime prie plokštės. Problema čipe, o jei tiksliau, tai flip-chip technologijos niuansuose. O tokių "auksarankių" teko matyti. Iš pradžių atneša pakeisti pasilydžiusį korpusą, o paskui jau ir pačią plokštę remontui. On 2011.09.13 10:15, a wrote: > "Arunas-X"<ArunasXX@gmail.com> wrote in message > news:j4muu0$mrg$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >> nelitavime esme, o paciam cipe > > nesiruosiu gincytis su zmogum kuris isitikines savo teisumu. > >