Tema: DE PROFUNDIS„on jejo ne zamečajet, on vedj knižku izučaet...“(„jis štai jos nepastebės, mat knygelę skaitinės“)Folkloras apie nelaimingą meilę knygų mugėje. Rinktiniai bušizmai
Autorius: iš Natanyahu kalbos Amerikoje:
Data: 2012-03-10 11:01:11
Americans know that Israel and the United States share common values, that
we defend common interests, that we face common enemies. Iran's leaders
know that, too. You know, for them, you're the great Satan, we're the
little Satan. For them, we are you and you are us. And you know something,
Mr. President? At least on this last point, I think they're right: We are
you, and you are us. We're together. So if there's one thing that stands
out clearly in the Middle East today, it's that Israel and America stand
together. (citata iš Izraelio laikraščio: mfa.gov.il)
I think that above and beyond that are two principles, long- standing
principles of American policy that you reiterated yesterday in your speech,
that Israel must have the ability always to defend itself, by itself,
against any threat; and that when it comes to Israel's security, Israel has
the right, the sovereign right, to make its own decisions. I believe that's
why you appreciate, Mr. President, that Israel must reserve the right to
defend itself.
And after all, that's the very purpose of the Jewish state, to restore to
the Jewish people control over our destiny. And that's why my supreme
responsibility as prime minister of Israel is to ensure that Israel remains
the master of its fate.
Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=19382