Tema: Skaitytojų viksi miksi. Paskutinė savaitė
Autorius: Fitzgerald
Data: 2012-07-25 14:08:56

The years between thrity-five and sixty-five revolve before the passive
mind as one unexplained, cunfusing merry-go-round. True, they are a
merry-go-round of ill-gaited and wind-broken horses, painted first in
pastel colors, then in dull grays and browns, but perplexing and
intolerably dizzy the thing is, as never were the merry-go-rounds of
childhood and adolescence, as never, surely, were the certain-coursed,
dynamic roller-coasters of youth. For most men and women these thrity years
are taken up with a gradual withdrawal from life, a retreat first from a
front with many shelters, those myriad amusements and curiosities of youth,
to a line with less, when we peel down our ambitions to one ambition, our
recreations to one recreation, our friends to a few to whom we are
anaesthetic; ending up at last in a solitary, desolate strong point that is
not strong, where the shells now whistle abominably, now are but half heard
as, by turns frightened and tired, we sit waiting for death.

Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=20057