>> tai, kas nepatenka i fokusa (ir i dof).. bet jei ta pati nerysku fona kelis kartus padidint, tai boke "mocnesnis".. > Ryškumo zona (DOF). > O ar boke yra tas pat, kas ryškumo zona? Išsiaiškinus, kas yra boke, Na jei tikrai nesupranti, kas yra boke ir kaip jis susijes su DOF'u, tai pablevyzgaujam dar.. O jei tarkim tesiant mandravojima pacituosiu: 1) Bokeh occurs for parts of the scene that lie outside the depth of field. 2) In photography, bokeh is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens. Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light" > <..> tai turėtų atsakyti į klausimą, ar gali būti frazė „boke "mocnesnis"“ ;) cia suprasti kaip "burbuliuku formas", o ne "burbuliuku dydi/proporcijas"?.. labai jau bullshit yra teigti, kad blur'as (nevadinant jo bokeh'u) mazeja darant "resize"? http://web.archive.org/web/20131031052024/http://toothwalker.org/optics/dof.html http://web.archive.org/web/20131031041406/http://toothwalker.org/optics/bokeh.html teoriniu netikslumu mano teiginiuose yra, bet jie common: With increasing "bokeh-ness", this blur disk is characterized by 1) A size. 2) A shape. 3) The light distribution across the disk. The size of the disk determines the amount of blur. The larger aperture comes with a more blurred background, and today there are people who will say that the right image has "more bokeh". This drifts away from the original meaning of the term. The question that needs to be answered to define the bokeh is not to what degree the background is blurred, but whether the blur is a pleasing one. *** At first sight the background in the 100-mm image seems more blurred than the background in the 28-mm image. This is true when we speak of the absolute blur. The absolute blur is given by the blur disk diameter of a point in the background, such as the highlight reflections off the cars in the street. However, when we speak of the relative blur we must relate the blur disk size to the "image magnification" of the background. So, esmine klaida, kad per daug susiejau "absolete blur" su boke? (retorinis "?")..