Tema: Re: PSJailbreak naujienos
Autorius: YZF
Data: 2010-10-14 23:17:40
Fakin jailbreikeriai kalti del gt5 (nedidelio) atidejimo >:-(

    "Like I said it is manufacturing issues. I had it confirmed today. The 
problem arose when SCE mandated SDK 350 on all games releasing after 
October, GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 341, but it has been 
delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 350. This has caused 
a big headache for the manufacturing side, given how big this game is 
missing the gold date by even a week can cause a months worth of delay as 
slots are already taken up at this time of year for Blu-ray movies and such. 
So Sony had to find a 3 week slot big enough to make 7m+ copies of this and 
get them shipped out. If you want to blame anyone, I would direct it at the 
pirates and hackers, SCE never had any real SDK restrictions before firmware 
3.41 was compromised."

"ZeaLot@work" <mr.rieper@gmail.com.NOSPAM> wrote in message 
> According to reports, Medal of Honor requires firmware v3.50 to run. 
> Further analysis claims that this is the start of things to come. It is 
> indicated that all games released from NOW ON will not be playable on 
> PS3's without the latest firmware. Moreover, a group of 'experts' claim it 
> is near impossible for hackers to retro-hack titles so that they can be 
> comaptible with Jailbreaking devices.
> http://www.maxconsole.net/content.php?42578-Game-over-for-PSJailbreak-Every-game-from-now-on-will-require-firmware-v3.50
> paskaites http://psjailbreak.com/news radau, jog visgi atnaujins 
> psjailbreak firmware'a :)
> "We will officially be releasing our support for new firmwares by October 
> 20th"