On 1/31/2013 9:39 AM, bzik wrote: > Although citric acid is found in high concentrations in many citrus fruits, it is not economical to extract the acid from fruit for industrial use. Furthermore, the demand for citric acid far outweighs the supply of citrus fruit available. > > The ability of the mold Aspergillus niger to produce citric acid as a byproduct of metabolism was discovered by American food chemist James Currie in 1917. The process of cultivating A. niger and allowing it to metabolize sucrose or glucose to yield citric acid proved efficient and inexpensive. Once it was possible to produce a seemingly endless supply of citric acid, companies like Pfizer and Citrique Belge began producing it on an industrial scale. This same technique is used to produce citric acid today. Sooo...? Is A. niger savo laiku gamintas penicilinas isgelbejo kruvas gyvybiu. Manding biciuliai - E bijotojai - nesupranta, kad kiekvienas is tu Exxx yra svarstytas, tikrintas ir aprobuotas. Taip, patikrinti visu gyvenimo atveju ir vartotoju fantaziju polekio juos naudojant fiziskai neimanoma, bet visi tie priedai TIKRINTI. O va fkng MUMIJO ZHENSHENIS ir kitoks sudas, kuriuo kartais taip zavimasi - Marytes is patvores garbes zodzio reikalas. O filadelfiju sukeltu isteriju aukos bijo Exxx, nors turetu bijot nuosavos baimes smegenis pakrutint. Issiliejau S. > "eSSas" <trach@tibid.ax> wrote in message news:ked71m$v28$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >> On 1/31/2013 9:18 AM, Linas Petkevičius wrote: >>> Truputi daugiau. Realiai ne ka maziau kenksminga uz vandenilio hidroksida. >> >> :-) Geras pastebejimas >> >> Neviernam Tamosiui citata is wiki: "Lemons, oranges, limes, and other >> citrus fruits possess high concentrations of citric acid" >> >> S. >> >>> kiek pamenu citrinos rūgštis su citrina turi tik bendrą pavadinimą.