Tema: Re: Gal kam teko mesa kepti duobej?
Autorius: Gipsas
Data: 2016-10-11 10:32:53
man tik toks susibalamutyjimas ivyko..cia tu rasai, kad zarijos yra 
paliekamos, o man kur pasakojo - isgriebiamos..
idomu kaip is tikro turi but...? teoriskai, uzpylus zememis, jo momentaliai 
turetu uzgesti (man nebent trumpa laika pasmilks)..tai tada jokio skirtumo 
kaip ir nebus

"LB" <linasbal@ekoi.lt> wrote in message 
> t's one of the oldest methods of cooking. Dig a hole in the ground, fill 
> it with fire, add a large animal, cover, and cook. Most people recognize 
> it as the Hawaiian Luau or more accurately Kalua Pig. While lots of people 
> do this in many different ways there are a few basic steps you can take to 
> make it turn out right. You can use this cooking method for large hogs, 
> whole lamb, a side of beef, or virtually anything else you have that just 
> isn't going to fit anywhere else.

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