Tema: Re: Gigabaitu svoris [link]
Autorius: eNyu@work
Data: 2009-08-19 14:18:33
Nice. :D

It depends on the size of the gigabyte, if it's a bigger gigabyte it will 
weigh more (like a normal bite of your Mcdonalds) ...the bigger the byte the 
more energy (jiggawatts) it will consume and therefore weigh more. Using the 
formula w=g/j (weight = gigabytes/jiggawatts) you will see how much the 
weight will increase. Avoid .exe files as they are really heavy according to 
Christophé Toffy Brun in his 1908 memoirs...


"Toxis@ze_yvil_place" <tox@work.ble> wrote in message 
> http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vistahardware/thread/720108ee-0a9c-4090-b62d-bbd5cb1a7605
> -- 
> ___________
> ©Toxis