Tema: Re: geriausi vokiski anekdotai [eng]
Autorius: Kaksht
Data: 2009-11-30 15:36:54
agam, ir dar holokaustas bei paskutinis :))

Honda Civic '00 EK3 1.5 Vtec-E
"bbd" <bb@bb.dd> wrote in message news:hf0h6r$qgb$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> apie elektrika pramuse :)
> "Toxis@ze_yvil_place" <tox@work.ble> wrote in message 
> news:hf0gk0$pe4$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Knock, knock.
>> Who's there?
>> The police. I'm afraid there's been an accident. Your husband is in 
>> hospital.
>> ----------
>> Why do undertakers wear ties?
>> Because their profession is very serious, and it is important that their 
>> appearance has a degree of gravitas.
>> -----------
>> How many electricians does it take to change a light bulb?
>> One.
>> ----------
>> Two men are sitting in a pub.
>> One man turns to the other and says: 'Last night I saw lots of strange men 
>> coming in and out of your wife's house.'
>> The other man replies: 'Yes, she has become a prostitute to subsidise her 
>> drug habit.'
>> ---------
>> So, there were an Irishman, an Englishman and an American wrecked on an 
>> island. One day, they found a bottle, and when they opened it, a ghost 
>> came out and offered them each a wish. However, even though they wished 
>> for different stuff, nothing happened, as the three guys of varying 
>> nationalities were just having shared hallucinations from hunger.
>> ----------
>> How many engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
>> None, it is far more efficient in both time and money to change it 
>> yourself. Failing that, ask a relative or neighbour to change it for you.
>> ----------
>> How do you drown a blonde?
>> Hold her head underwater until she can no longer breathe and stops 
>> struggling.
>> ---------
>> Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M factory?
>> Repeated absences and stealing.
>> ----------
>> What's worse then finding a worm in your apple?
>> The Holocaust.
>> ----------
>> A man called a lawyer and asked, "How much will you charge me to answer 
>> three questions?"
>> The lawyer said "$400."
>> "Wow," said the man. "Isn't that a lot?"
>> "I guess so," said the lawyer. "When are you going to ask your questions?"
>> ----------
>> The Pope walks into a bar. The bartender says, what'll ya have, Pope? But 
>> the Pope's grasp of English is tenuous at best, so he mumbles something in 
>> Latin. The bartender doesn't know any Latin. The Pope gets frustrated and 
>> leaves.
>> ----------
>> Have you seen Stevie Wonder's new house?
>> No.
>> Well, it's really nice.
>> -------
>> Why did the blonde tattoo her zip code on her stomach?
>> She was a schizophrenic.
>> -----------
>> How do you confuse a blonde?
>> Paint yourself green and throw forks at her.
>> -- 
>> ___________
>> ©Toxis 