Tema: Re: [sharing is caring] sickipedia
Autorius: pranZo
Data: 2010-11-14 20:06:48
Why is everyone suddenly saying how hot Hermione from Harry Potter is?
I've been saying that for the last ten years.

jau buvau apie sickipedia pamirses :)))

"Kaksht" <kaksht@cianetikrasmuilas.com> wrote in message 
> is ten
> "Prayer: The idea that God's plans are so unimportant that he will change 
> them if you ask him to."
> -- 
> Honda Civic '00 EK3 1.5 Vtec-E
> "Dedmytas" <Dedmytas@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:ibjhbm$4n2$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> www.sickipedia.org
>> pilna sick jokes for all your sick needs :)