Tema: Re: not always right.
Autorius: Juozas
Data: 2011-09-14 15:12:20
Čia dar vienas geras:

(I have been out the back making dough before serving the customer. I 
haven’t had time to clean myself up a bit, so I have flour on my shirt.)

Me: “Hi, how can I help you today?”

Customer: *looking at my shirt* “Can I speak to the manager right away, 

Me: *confused* “Um, okay.”

(I call the manager over.)

Manager: “What seems to be the problem, ma’am?”

Customer: “I want to complain about this employee. He has drugs on his 
shirt. He should be fired immediately!”

Manager: *joking* “But, then, where would I get my supply from?”

Customer: *looks shocked, and then storms out of the store*

Next customer in line: “Can I get a Hawaiian pizza on the thin base with 
extra drugs, please?”

On 2011.09.14 14:58, Dedmytas wrote:
> http://notalwaysright.com/ :)))))))))))
> (I work in a call center that answers calls from people with broken cars
> in foreign countries. We always ask how many people are on board of the
> car.)
> Me: "Are there any children in your car?"
> Customer: "Yes, four children. One of the children is under four. Three
> are aged between four and twelve and one is older than twelve."
> Me: "So, you have five children?"
> Customer: "No! Four children!"
> Me: "But, you just mentioned five children."
> Customer: "Don't you think I know how many kids I have?"
> Customer, to his wife: "Honey, how many kids do we have?"
> Customer: "I'm sorry. You're right, I've got five children."