Tema: Re: Vel apie individualia veikla ir mokesciu pasikeitimus
Autorius: Doc
Data: 2009-01-10 22:13:32
Jo jo, nuo milijonų :)

The Danish taxation system is both broad based (25% VAT, not including excise, duty and tax) and has the world record for income tax rates (minimum tax rate for adults is 42% scaling to 63%, population average for 2006 was 49.6%) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denmark#Economy)

Ir šitas geras :)

However due to the high registration tax (approx. 180%) and VAT (25%), and the world's highest income tax rate, new cars are very expensive. This has the effect of giving Denmark one of Europe's oldest private vehicle fleets with an average age of 9.1 year in 2007. As another result Denmark has one of Europe's most environmentally harmful vehicle fleets, contrasting to Denmark's general efforts to be perceived internationally as an environmentally friendly and modern nation with a focus on conservation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denmark#Transport)

Žodžiu, kadangi socialistų manymu kuo didesni mokesčiai, tuo žmonės gyvena geriau, jei nuosekliai laikysimės kurso, neužilgo ir pas mus bus kaip Danijoj :)


"Valdas Vilutis" <valdas@itpa.lt> wrote in message news:gkalqm$las$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Taip, gyvensime. Tik skirtumas tas, kad Skandinavijoje tokius ar 
> panasius procentus moka nuo gaunamu pajamu, virsijanciu milijonus euru 
> per metus. Cia gi zaktelejo ta pati pajamoms praktiskai nuo minimalaus 
> atlyginimo...
> -- 
> Valdas Vilutis