On 2016-04-27 10:00 PM, Lavonas wrote: > And I mean the output I need is only the number itself. Nothing more. > > > > "Lavonas" wrote in message news:nfr267$bqq$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > > Ok so, my program has to open the site (lets say it is google.lt) input > word > Vilnius in to the search box, which is on that site and click on a "Search" > button. Then write me a number of pages found with whole word Vilnius in > them. > I need a code for that. My intention is to write the code myself, cause I > don’t believe someone will do that for me :) > > So I need some recommendations of what programming language to use and what > tools to use for that. > > I hope you understand that :D > > > "Budulis Vulgaris" wrote in message > news:nfr0b9$b5q$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > > Galėtum lietuviškai arba angliškai parašyti klausimą? Padėčiau gal. Vistiek niekas neaishku ko tu nori. Gal patikslink. Gali ir anglishkai. Elementarus klausimas: naudosi tik gurgla, ar ta tavo programke turetu veikti su bet kokiu puslapiu kuriame yra serchas? Pagal ka nuspresi kad butonas = paieshka? O jei bus prashyta "Pajieshka" vietoje "serch"? Priklausomai nuo to ko tu realiai nori, galima butu gal net nieko neprograminant ishsisukti. Tipo su visokiais wgetais, grepais, cutais beigi kitokiais cauntais gal net pavyktu viena "gudra" komanda sukonstruoti, kuri tau i konsole ishmetu ta skaiciuka. N. M. IMHO, tavo anglu kalba dar prastesne uzh lituvisu, tai gal geriau nesisteng cia mums pasigirti savo zhiniomis.