"Edvinas" <edvinas@darbe.lt> wrote in message news:jb7oe5$n1q$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > 2011-12-01 13:20, YZF rašė: >> Tai gal ten visai ne topiniai modeliai buvo ? > > Gal ir ne topiniai, bet jų kainos buvo link 8kLt. > >> Ir gal juose Motion Flow nebuvo ijungtas? > > Gal, gal... Bet, yra keliskart pigesnių TV, kurie ir be visų tų motion > flow nieko neblurina ir čia yra ne joks "gal", o faktas. > Faktas zmogaus kuris net nezino i kokius telikus ziurejo ir ka mate. Va tau pora moksliskai pamatuotu faktu: http://www.displaymate.com/LCD_Response_Time_ShootOut.htm "After extensive side-by-side objective testing with moving test patterns, moving photographs and live video we found that there was no visually detectable difference in motion blur performance for current mid to top-of-the-line LCD HDTVs, regardless of their Response Time, 60 or 120 Hz refresh rates, strobed LED backlighting, or motion enhancement processing. While there was considerable motion blur in the moving test patterns, motion blur was simply not visually detectable in real live video content during our extensive side-by-side testing. With only a handful of minor exceptions, whenever blur was seen in live video we always found it to be in the source content or a temporary visual illusion that disappeared when the segments in question were reviewed."