Tema: Re: LED - LCD - Plasma ??
Autorius: Edvinas
Data: 2011-12-01 16:52:53
2011-12-01 15:58, YZF rašė:
> Faktas zmogaus kuris net nezino i kokius telikus ziurejo ir ka mate.

Į kokius telikus žiūrėjau tikrai tiksliai nežinau (bet tai, kad jie 
kainavo 7+kLt sako, kad jie buvo top modeliai), o ką mačiau aš labai 
tiksliai žinau.

> Va tau pora moksliskai pamatuotu faktu:
> http://www.displaymate.com/LCD_Response_Time_ShootOut.htm
> "After extensive side-by-side objective testing with moving test
> patterns, moving photographs and live video we found that there was no
> visually detectable difference in motion blur performance for current
> mid to top-of-the-line LCD HDTVs, regardless of their Response Time, 60
> or 120 Hz refresh rates, strobed LED backlighting, or motion enhancement
> processing. While there was considerable motion blur in the moving test
> patterns, motion blur was simply not visually detectable in real live
> video content during our extensive side-by-side testing.
> With only a handful of minor exceptions, whenever blur was seen in live
> video we always found it to be in the source content or a temporary
> visual illusion that disappeared when the segments in question were
> reviewed."

Neradau ten, kad būtų rašoma apie futbolą. Ant filmų LCD bluro aš irgi 