"Jonas Vingis" wrote in message news:ldss26$nbc$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... >Aš nesiginčyju, kad aktyvus 3D bus detalesnis nebus aktyvus 3d detalesnis. is cia http://www.displaymate.com/3D_TV_ShootOut_1.htm "Furthermore, in all cases the small text was actually sharper and easier to read and fine details easier to resolve on the FPR Passive Glasses than on the Active Glasses because of the Crosstalk, ghosting and Response Time issues that reduce 3D image sharpness and 3D contrast in Active Glasses TVs. " testo rezultatai su maziau raidziu: http://gizmodo.com/5837907/the-best-3d-technology-stick-with-passive-glasses