Tema: Re: Ar verta pirkti TV su 3D?
Autorius: rr
Data: 2014-02-17 16:32:06
On 2014.02.17 16:12, marijonas wrote:
> "Jonas Vingis"  wrote in message news:ldss26$nbc$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Aš nesiginčyju, kad aktyvus 3D bus detalesnis
> nebus aktyvus 3d detalesnis.
> is cia http://www.displaymate.com/3D_TV_ShootOut_1.htm
> "Furthermore, in all cases the small text was actually sharper and
> easier to read and fine details easier to resolve on the FPR Passive
> Glasses than on the Active Glasses because of the Crosstalk, ghosting
> and Response Time issues that reduce 3D image sharpness and 3D contrast
> in Active Glasses TVs. "
> testo rezultatai su maziau raidziu:
> http://gizmodo.com/5837907/the-best-3d-technology-stick-with-passive-glasses

„We examined four recent model high-end 3D LCD HDTVs“. Tai LCD telikam 
gal pasyvus ir geriau?