Tema: Re: "high carbon steel" vertimas
Autorius: Icetom
Data: 2011-08-10 13:30:19
>zvaigzdei gal koks legiruotas geriau butu

Na, kad vis tik turbūt ne. T.y. tavo pasiūlymas, man rodos tinka priekinėms 
žvaigždėms? Ištrauka iš gamintojo aprašymo:

"The essence of a high quality sprocket is in the high precision of 
manufacturing and the inherent quality of the material. Through accurate 
machining and by using only the best grade of C45 High Carbon steel for rear 
sprockets and SCM415 Chromoly steel alloy for front sprockets, JT ensures 
Maximum Durability performance for both Drive chain and sprockets."

- C45 High Carbon steel for rear sprockets
- SCM415 Chromoly steel alloy for front sprockets

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