o ačiū, palochinai Codec'ą On 2012.04.23 12:40, FX wrote: > Things to Remember > Following are some of the things which you need to keep in mind while > powder coating rims. Have a look. •Take proper precautionary measures > like wearing goggles to protect eyes and hand gloves while handling the > oven. > •Clean the rims properly as any dirt, oil or even soap will hinder the > binding between the rims and paint. > •Try to bake the paint in a spare oven. This will not spoil your oven > which is used for cooking. > •Work in a properly ventilated place. > •Do not exceed the temperature above 400ºF as it will weaken the rims > and the paint will not stay on it for a longer time. > http://www.buzzle.com/articles/powder-coating-rims.html > FX > "VNO" wrote in message news:jn347n$qht$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > > as ne specas sakiau, tiesiog neturiu iprocio priestaraut teorijai ir > > kitu praktikai neturedamas rimtu argumentu. tu nei apie ta teorija nei > > praktika panasu net girdejes neesi. negana, to, netgi sunku apsiribot > > konrkecia tema. pritrukai ziniu ir argumentu apie dviracius, tai > > pradejai blaskytis nuo moto iki auto skardu. tai tuom ir baigiam > > starwarsus newsuose. > tai niekas ir nesako, akdpokyciai kazkokie gali ivykti. > tu gi net teksta ipastinai. > tiesiog tie pokyciai neitakoja nieko -stai ir viskas. > kitaip niekas diskus, remus ir pan nedazytu. > apie teorija ir tu nieko nesi girdejes. > jau nekalbant apie tai,akdpagal tave kebulas jokios funkcijos neatlieka :D > oh stop - atlieka - apdailos ! :D > apie praktika as gal daugiau zinau, nes kasdien susiduriu. > VNO