Tema: Re: ne man vienam prastai atrodo apsviestos gatves
Autorius: Rimantas Liubertas
Data: 2009-10-30 12:26:31
> Since 1989 more than 30,000 kilometers path converted to 30 km / 
> hour-access roads. These roads are much safer for pedestrians and 
> cyclists over 50 km / h roads, says the SWOV research.

Yet the number of seriously injured cyclists and pedestrians, hit by a 
vehicle at 30 km / h roads, between 1995 and 2007 increased from 27 to 
590. The number of deaths per year rose from 3 to 16.
To a large extent this is due to the increase in the number of 30 km / h 
road, but especially the number of victims among cyclists rose faster.
