Tema: Re: Ka manot apie toki fuel saver?
Autorius: Signalizacija
Data: 2009-11-15 10:44:07
Is viso video supratau, kas amerikej gyvena sukcius diedas, kuris stumdo 
dileriams licenzijas uz 300 000 baksu, ir zada ne maziau 50% ekonomijos.
Ka jis ten stumdo taip ir neaisku, nes salia HHO generatoriu kaip taisykle 
eina mase visokio meslo, is serijos magnetai ant kuro magistraliu ir tepalai 
i kura.
Beje HHO ne to amerikeno isradimas. Pirmas auto ui HHO vaziavo jau 1860 
Beje: 1943 - 1945 - Because of serious conventional fuel shortage at the end 
of WW2, the British army used Oxyhydrogen gas generators in their tanks, 
boats and other vehicles to get better mileage and to to prevent engine 
overheating for vehicles used in africa. They used generators just alike 
some of the today's HHO fuel savers. Right after the WW2 the government 
ordered to remove and destroy all generators from the vehicles.
Keistas pasirode paskutinis sakinys.