Tema: Re: Bet tai idomus tie kadziai
Autorius: L&M
Data: 2009-05-31 12:02:05
> na pas mane R15 su 195/55, kas reiskia kad prie 100kmh spidometro paklaida 
> +1, nzn kiek prie 70, bet itariu irgi panasiai ;)

Paklaida yra naudojant defaultines gamintojo nurodytu ismeru padangas. Jei 
uzdedi didesnes, paklaida dar padideja. Yra ES direktyva, kuri nurodo 
spidometro tolerancijos ribas. O jos tokios:

The indicated speed must never be less than the actual speed, i.e. it should 
not be possible to inadvertently speed because of an incorrect speedometer 
The indicated speed must not be more than 110 percent of the true speed plus 
4 km/h at specified test speeds. For example, at 80 km/h, the indicated 
speed must be no more than 92 km/h.

Taigi, imamas kazkur intervalo vidurys, tarkim +5%.