Tema: Re: Bet tai idomus tie kadziai
Autorius: 0.5 B
Data: 2009-05-31 13:20:02
o jus pasiimkit navigacija ir pasimatuokit savo tikraji greiti, nereiks sukt galvu del padangu dydziu..  :)

"L&M" <bardakass@takas.lt> wrote in message news:gvth2d$42n$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> na pas mane R15 su 195/55, kas reiskia kad prie 100kmh spidometro paklaida 
>> +1, nzn kiek prie 70, bet itariu irgi panasiai ;)
> Paklaida yra naudojant defaultines gamintojo nurodytu ismeru padangas. Jei 
> uzdedi didesnes, paklaida dar padideja. Yra ES direktyva, kuri nurodo 
> spidometro tolerancijos ribas. O jos tokios:
> The indicated speed must never be less than the actual speed, i.e. it should 
> not be possible to inadvertently speed because of an incorrect speedometer 
> reading.
> The indicated speed must not be more than 110 percent of the true speed plus 
> 4 km/h at specified test speeds. For example, at 80 km/h, the indicated 
> speed must be no more than 92 km/h.
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedometer)
> Taigi, imamas kazkur intervalo vidurys, tarkim +5%.