Tema: Re: Kodel teo smtp nepersiuncia laisku???????
Autorius: andrws
Data: 2008-10-28 13:36:55
susikonfigink stmp serveri kaip freemail.lt, jei jie teikia tokia galimybe.
jei neteikia- regsitruokis teo.
"klausiu" <alius_k@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> --> Using our mail system, you can read, send or forward your messages.
> If you prefer working with your local mail programs, you can easily 
> download your messages from our server and read them locally. Just set 
> your incoming POP3 server to pop.freemail.lt in you program's preferences. 
> We recommend using your provider's SMTP server for your outgoing messages. 
> You will still be able to set you@freemail.lt as your e-mail address.
> rekomenduoja per ISP (bet matyt nera butina per ji), tai kaip vistik per 
> freemail.lt siust?