na man nereikia visiškos pigenos norėtūsi kad sugebėtų ne tik bukai kraut bet ir pasenusius akumus atgaivint, tai spėju pasiliksiu prie pirmojo varianto iš lemonos :) 4r "MRT" wrote in message news:ncf1m5$blo$ > Yra toks paprastas variantas: > > > Pats išsijungia, prieš pabaigą trickle chargina, dar moka ir refreshą > daryt, nors niekad netikrinau rezultato. > > Maitblokis 12V, tai lengva mašinoj pajungt. is piguvos salyginai idomus: 11.79€ / 40.71Lt AAA 1x900mA|2x450mA|3, 4x 225mA AA: 1x1800mA|2x900mA|3, 4x 450mA 1. Charging process is controlled by a processor: a) automatic sustaining of battery charge condition (protection against overcharging); b) battery refreshing function: if battery voltage falls below 0.9 V, the charger will restore correct voltage 1.2-1.25 V. 2. The charger has 4 separate charging channels, thanks to which you can charge 1, 2, 3 or 4 AA or AAA batteries (Ni-MH or Ni-Cd) discharged to a different extent. 3. Protections: against battery overcharging, against short-circuit, against cell overheating (60ºC), against installing inappropriate/damaged batteries or in bad polarization (charging disconnection). 4. LCD display shows information about: a) charger status; b) charging condition of different batteries (after charging batteries the text "CHG" will appear); c) detection of inappropriate/damaged cell or their wrong polarization (over the relevant battery, battery drawing and message "ERROR" will be displayed).