Tema: Re: Eilerastukas ruskai (cyr-win, konfiguruoti tingiu :-)
Autorius: Bone Daddy
Data: 2009-12-18 10:10:20
Pliusiukai yra debilizmo viršūnė

a.. Try not to post comments that don't add anything to the discussion. When 
you're just cruising through a thread in a leisurely manner, it's not too 
annoying to read through a lot of "hear, hear"'s and "I agree"'s. But if 
you're actually trying to find information, it's a pain in the neck. So save 
those one-word responses for threads that have degenerated to the point 
where none but true aficionados are following them any more.

"Naras" <naras@e-ident.lt> wrote in message 
>o pliusiukai - gero...
> "Bone Daddy" <.info@bonedaddy.serveftp.com> wrote in message 
> news:hge35m$oou$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> kryziukai - blogo issiauklejimo pozymis.
>> "ledasl" <root@localhost.local> wrote in message 
>> news:hgdsmg$hqm$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>o kas nors tu kryziu prase?
>>> kad tingi deti tai gerai, ne kapines cia
>>> "Gintas" <gintas@omnitel.net> wrote in message 
>>> news:hgdd8d$u2p$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> tingiu deti +
>>>> "Baubas" <ricardas@eurofila.TRINTI.com> wrote in message 
>>>> news:hgd2q6$ctk$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> ????? ? ????? ?????????????