- "Rokis" <rokis@inbox.lt> wrote in message news:i64hv8$iki$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... -Juliau, aš tavo džinsus kaimynui atidaviau. -O čia kieno garbei toks reikalas?!-Juk jie tau vis vien nepatiko.-Žinai ką, tada atiduokim ir tavo mamą kaimynui! Dar ne viskas Lietuvoje prarasta! Dar galima prarasti ir prarasti! Chukas Norissas nutrenke zaiba. Invalidų vežimėlių parduotuvė, pavadinimu `Pirmas Žingsnis` - Patrauk nuo manęs savo šunį... Ant manęs jau blusos šliaužioja...- Reksai, pasitrauk, dėdė turi blusų.;D A mother had 3 virgin daughters and all 3 of them got married nearly at the same time, before sending them on honeymoon mother was worried about their sex life so she asked them to send her a postcard with few words to let her know if everything was ok. 2 days later mother receives 1st postcard from Hawaii that has one word written on it "Nescafe" mother runs to the kitchen opens up a cupboard and reads of Nescafe jar- "Pleasure till the last drop.." Mother blushes but is very happy for her daughter... A week later she receives 2nd post card from Jamaica that has "Benson&Hedges cigars" written on it. Mother runs to the husbands room, opens the drawer, finds the cigars and reads of the box "Extra Long, King Size".. mother blushes again but is delighted for her daughter.. 2 weeks goes by, no mail.. 3 weeks- no mail.. eventually, a month later she receives 3rd postcard and it has scribbled "British Airways" on it in really shaky hand writing. Mother is petrified, she grabs the newspaper fearing the worst and comes across a British Airways add that says" 3 times a day, 7 days a week, both ways!!. sitas geras tik LT irgi neblogai skamba Graži moteris džiugina vyro žvilgsnį, negraži - moters. Viltis - durnių motina, o "Teleloto"- tėvas. Stovi du kelių policininkai su radaru ir matuoja greitį: -Oho kaip greitai važiuoja. -Koks greitis? -Du šimtai litų.