Tema: Re: Jos Didenybes teismas - uzskaitau
Autorius: Linas Petkevičius
Data: 2010-09-29 18:44:28
Px. Bile noras butu. Vien tik kuo dziugina Citatos ish ju CPK analogo (kiek
supratau kazkas panasaus kaip bilibirda ant musu shaukimo kitoje puseje):
Going to court should be a last resort. Before making a claim, you are
strongly advised to consider if this is the best way to resolve your
dispute. The court expects you to make an effort to sort out your dispute
with the other side before taking court action.
If you make a claim through the court without making any effort to reach an
agreement first, you may find that you do not get your costs back and may
have to pay the other party's costs, even if you win the case.
"Silvano" <ateikpas@mane.lt> wrote in message
> tavo minties igyvendfinti neimanoma ir ji, ko gero, akivaizdziai
> priestarauja konstitucinei, pamatinei ir visai kokiai tik nori teisei
> kreiptis i teisma :)