$80.000 uz galva, $150.000 uz visa kuna. Ka manot?:) MKN, ideja pakankamai moksliskai pagrista ir isvystyta, kad butu galima tiketis kazkokiu rezultatu (jei nebankrutuos po poros simtu metu:) http://www.alcor.org/ http://www.alcor.org/AtWork/index.html http://www.alcor.org/procedures.html http://www.alcor.org/sciencefaq.htm Alcor members are people who have completed full legal and financial arrangements for cryopreservation with Alcor. As of December 31, 2009, Alcor has 913 members and 89 patients. Below are graphs showing the number of Alcor members and patients at year end since inception. Current members of Alcor include nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler, Internet pioneer Ralph Merkle, engineer Keith Henson and his family, MIT professor Marvin Minsky, aging researcher Aubrey de Grey, mathemetician Edward O. Thorp, computer security CEO Kenneth Weiss, casino owner Don Laughlin, inventor Ray Kurzweil, film director Charles Matthau, futurists Max More and Natasha Vita-More, and entrepreneurs Saul Kent, Luke Nosek, and Future Electronics founder Robert Miller.